The uniformity of the squares strikes me. I mean, these are gigantic plots of land judging by my altitude and the size of the houses, but they’re all perfect squares … sharp right angles and all the same size.
How do they do that? Does someone drive a cart from one plot to the next with a giant roll of bright yellow tape and a bed full of stakes marking it all off? How long would that take? These squares go on for miles … as far as I can see. I suppose there are tools they use that I don’t know about, and they probably use trigonometry.
I’m impressed the plotters are so good at it because I would have a miserable time trying to get one giant square all even, let alone hundreds. If you gave me a sticky note and asked me to draw 36 identical squares in a grid, I couldn’t do it. If I could do it as six lines and then six more and I had a ruler, it’d come out alright, but even then it’d be a bit lopsided. If I had to draw each square one by one you’d get a lot of trapezoids and other non-square shapes. And as soon as one’s off, all the rest are; they won’t fit together after that.
That’s why I couldn’t build a bridge, either. I’d do my best to cut all the pieces to the right sizes, and maybe I’d get close, but inevitably a few’d be off. Then trying to fit it all together, one wouldn’t fit, and then none of the others would, and if I’d been gluing the pieces as I went, I’d be screwed and have to start over. You can’t just force it in and let it be crooked when it comes to bridges … it’d fall apart and everyone’d fall into the river and probably get hurt. I’d get thrown in jail for my negligence and that’d be the end of me.
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